This is what happened when me and the bitchess went out sh0pping together. None of the items we normally bought, were listed in the shopping list. hehe.. And, it's a bullshit if we said that we wanna spent 1 hour shopping in any malls coz' end up, we will spent almost 3-5 hours (or more) searching and walking ar0und .(this is wut we called, 'THE GIRL'S SUPERPOWER').
Besides that, when someone suggested to go for a shopping, end up, it's not her who will do the shopping but the pers0n who accompanied her that will shop more than her. (I la ni. everytime keluar ngn makhluk2 ni sume, I jugak yg shopping. x kesah la ikut sapa pun. Mesti ade je barang yg akan I beli. Orang yg ckp nk shopping tu x shopping pun. tension betul).

M, which one looks nicer on me? which one is better? which one is w0rth it?? which one doesn't look fat on me?? which one should i take?? i'd always faced with this kind of situati0n because it only happens to all the
INDECISIVE pe0ple like me (regardless of what items to buy, mesti nak kene tanye org dulu which one yang OK).
This is so00 me!! I have dozens of shoe collection in my room. i didn't even realize some of it do exist in my c0llections. haha...frankly speaking, i did wore half of my heels before and an0ther half, were kept in the b0x neatly, without being t0uched at all. (tu yg smpi lupe..kemas bilik baru sedar ade heels tu and price tag siap x buang pun).
Note: I'm a fulltime sh0paholic....; )
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