Wednesday, April 8, 2009

venue changed...

after talking to BF yesterday, he told me to change my trip to Cambodia instead of Vietnam. the main reason because he can't follow me & Intan to Vietnam in June or July (busy fren nak kawen). and plus, he never been to Vietnam before and requested me to wait for him for Vietnam trip..Pandai betul..if ikut ati, nak pegi je Vietnam so that die jealous coz' xpenah pegi Vietnam and end up, I dah pegi dulu dr die..hehehe..

but the kind me and Intan has reserved the Vietnam trip for him, and we've decided to proceed with Cambodia. at the moment, the ideal dates will be on 23-26 May or 25-27 June 2009. May looks good because we can spend almost 4D3N in Cambodia (kene amb 2 days leave je). H0wever, May is just ar0und the corner and we're worried that there's not much time for us to save some m0ney for this trip. For June, the dates looks OK too. It's just that, we can only spend 3D2N there (which obviously n0t enuf for us) and still kene amb 2 days leave. So, that's why, May memang our ideal dates..

the trip is confirmed but just need t0 wait for the final dates from b0th of us..hahaha..

~~>>> s0 Camb0dia, ere we c0me!!

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